Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Australian Tax Appeals and the GFC recovery

Get a free copy of our Tax 2010 benchmarking special report*

Whilst many charities in the UK, USA, Canada and other countries had a really tough time over the global financial crisis, Australia seemed to come off pretty lightly.

Our in depth data analysis of millions of donations across 33 charities showed a reduction in the rate of growth of income over the past two years, but it still grew.  However, our analysis of mail appeals sent last Christmas showed a lot of charities performing worse than the year before.

So how did we Australians do in the last tax / winter appeals?

We don't yet, but if you are an Australian fundraiser, please help us find out by completing a cool little Survey Monkey here.  You'll need top level information on the performance of tax 2010 and tax 2009 so that we have a context.

We will then compile the results and produce a report.  Those participating will receive a very useful, full report allowing you to benchmark yourself against all the others.  You can use the report as a great context tool in your report on performance to your boss, use it to help plan and budget, and also see if your growth or decline was due to GFC, or maybe your pack was just brilliant or, um, not so brilliant.


Click here for the Survey.

* Full report available to all charities who complete the survey.  Sent as a PDF to the email address provided.


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