If you were at #FundraisingOnline and attended my session - thank you for being there. You can see my session again here http://ubivent.com/en/fundraising-online-2015 until mid July.
If you were not able to be there, you can also see the slides and the session by signing up for FREE here https://www.ubivent.com/registration/fundraising-online-2015 You will need to register quickly though as places are limited.
I am happy to share the Digital Integration Checklist with you from the session and some of the key links of pages to visit.
Digital Integration Checklist
1. Dedicated landing pages
2. Home page 'take over'
- Test using a lightbox that pops up that is about the story you are using in your fundraising ask
3. Supporting website content
- If you can't do the above, make sure you have the story on your home page
4. Email
- Send a pre and post email to an appeal to reinforce the story and the ask, this will help increase donations
- Include a link to donate online as well
- We are not trying to take donors away from direct mail
5. Social media
- Test using offline DM messaging online
- Tell a good story and encourage sharing
- Facebook - has proven to be the best so far in bringing a return
6. Online advertising
- Best return is from Facebook from charities I have worked with
7. SMS
- Use this if you didn't get through to the donor on pre-calls to an appeal
Key links
Good and bad landing pages tinyurl.com/charitylandingpages
Sign up for more tips, techniques and knowledge from me tinyurl.com/seantrinerinfo
For insight into long and short emails and letters (as well as other insights)
For insights and learning on older donors