Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Latest face to face data - face to face still rocking the Australia not for profit world

Following up on my February article about face to face fundraising (Is face to face really worth it) I have now got some new data.
With 65 charities - including all but two of the top ten fundraising charities - this data is robust.
And so is face to face fundraising.
The charities in the study had just shy of a million people donate to them for the first time.

And finally...
Yup, face to face still number one for volume.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Mood Killing Words

Working with a client recently I told them about Katya's blog about Fraser Greens' Book 3D Philanthropy which details. Mood Killing Words.

The client reckoned if they took these words out they would have nothing left to write.

So, these words are the sort of words NGOs write that almost certainly flatten fundraising.  And here they are...

See her article here.

1. Capacity
2. Empower
3. Enhance
4. Indigenous
5. Partnership
6. Development
7. Systemic
8. Community
9. Innovation
10. Superlative
11. Outcomes
12. Support
13. Sustainable
14. Resources
15. Dignity
16. Facilitate
17. Diversity
18. Fostering

Disaster Fundraising Guide download it here